Multiple “from” statements  are like nested foreach statements. MSDN example:


  var scoreQuery = from student in students
                         from score in student.Scores
                            where score > 90
                            select new { Last = student.LastName, score };



This is the equivalent of:

SomeDupCollection<string, decimal> nameScore = new SomeDupCollection<string, float>();
foreach(Student curStudent in students)
   foreach(Score curScore in curStudent.scores)
      if (curScore > 90)
         nameScore.Add(curStudent.LastName, curScore);

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

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Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.