Rahul’s Legacy

Rahul Gandhi’s great grandfather would have stood alongside Anna Hazare. He would have lambasted the current ruling parties whether they consisted of his own kith or kin or otherwise. He was not afraid of anyone. He was not a puppet in anyone’s play. He had his own mind – and his mind was acutely tuned to that of the Indian people. If the Indian people were driven to the point where they were holding mass protests in the streets, Jawaharlal would have been at the forefront of those protests.

Can we say the same of his great grandson Rahul?

While Rahul has been dead wrong about the entire civil uprising movement, he is right about one thing. Rahul Gandhi has lamented many a time that he not yet ready to contest for the highest office that India has to offer. He is dead right about that! He needs to first get in touch with the sentiment of the Indian people before he can even think about competing for the highest office. More importantly, he needs to be able to compete on his own credentials (and those credentials cannot be ‘My last name is Gandhi’). Before he can reach that stage, he has (in the paraphrased words found on Nehru’s death bed), miles to go!

Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor is falling into the same trap as Arundhati Roy. He is over-intellectualizing what is a very simple issue. All his “logical” arguments can be torn apart very easily. For example, he argues:

Noting that the country has a constitutional system that has kept it together for 64 years and in which people can tell their representatives about the issues, Tharoor said, “If these representatives do not pass the laws you want or pass the law you do not want, vote them out an get other representatives.”

That is exactly what the people of India have been doing for 64 years. To no avail. Which is why the people are out on the streets. If he cannot grasp something so simple, all his intellect is wasted. While Tharoor praises the democratic system keeping the country together, yet another corruption crusader was shot dead in broad daylight in Bhopal. Is this what you call keeping the country together, Dr. Tharoor?

In lieu of a summary…

In my personal opinion, I do believe Tharoor is a good man – and is simply ‘towing the party line’. If he is half the man he presents himself to be, he is still one of the brightest that India has to offer. Unfortunately, he is a victim of his own intellect! Rahul, on the other hand, is just a dumb blonde (no disrespect to blondes). He has neither the courage nor the brains to run a country like India (for e.g. he still finds it challenging to speak extemporaneously and has to read from scripts). He needs to first develop in these areas before an enlightened India will consider him leadership worthy.

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

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Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.