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Stock Trading – Incorrect Probability Conclusion

Stock can either go up , down or stay still. Hence, probability of any one stock going down is 1/3 rd.

Soldiers and Shell Bunkers – Incorrect Assumption

WW 1 soldiers were encouraged to get into fresh bunker shell holes – since it was deemed improbable that a shell would strike the same place twice. Incorrect- since , once the first event has occurred , it’s probability is 1 ! So , it doesn’t reduce from the joint probability of two events . Example- ace drawn from deck , then placed back . What is the probable that it will be drawn again? 1/52 ( not 1/52 times 1/ 52 cause first event has happened already)

The birthday problem

You need only 70 people in a room to have a 99.9 % chance of two common birthdays. You need just 23 for a 50% chance.

Are some runs more probable than others? (Is Chance lumpy  ?)

That is, if you flip a coin 1000 times, will you get more runs of 5 Heads than one would normally expect?

Simpson’s paradox – different sized groups

You solved 9 out of 10 problems, your friend solved 1 out of 1. His success rate was 100% yours was 90%. On day 2, you solved 0 out 1 and he solved 1 out of 2 – his success rate was 50%. Each day, his success rate was higher than yours.  This leads most people to believe that he had the better success rate overall (over the two days). However, over 2 days, you solved 9 out of 11 problems (82 % success), whereas he had 2 out of 3 (67 %). Thus, despite your friend solving a higher proportion of problems on each day, you actually won the challenge !

What if these were Clinical Trials instead of exam problems ? Important to understand the combined effect of multiple days.

The prosecutor’s fallacy

Confusion between two concepts –

  • the probability of an individual matching the description of the perpetrator
  • the probability of an individual (matching the description) of being guilty

Probability of an accused with the same description  – 1 in half a million ( 0.000002 ). 

When you bear in mind that the total population being dealt with is 10 million, 1 in half a million easily translates into 20 possible suspects.

The accused is one of 20 possible suspects – and the chance of his innocence is 19 in 20, not 1 in half-a-million. At least until they have an alibi for the remaining 19 people for that day and time.

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

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Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.