heavy duty datagrid component - part of ANUJ's application framework


It is certainly possible to build your next application without ever touching an underlying application framework. It is also possible to watch Avatar in 2-D (and leave the theater completely under-whelmed). You probably already have several applications working just fine without an underlying application framework. Why then – does your company need an application framework? What will it buy you?

Build Once – use over and over again

The answer is simple. True Re-Use! As in re-usable components. As in – pick and choose which parts of the application you would like to run on the framework – and which ones you would still like to develop from scratch. So – a typical application could use the Data Access Layer and the Logging components from the framework – and still build its own Exception Handling component from scratch.

How many times have your developers been tasked with building a Data Access Layer? How about an exception handling component or a logging component? Or a heavy-duty data grid equipped to handle large volumes of data?

If you are like most companies, the answer is ‘multiple times’.  Every single time your company’s business group requests a new application, all of these components need to be thought out.  What if you only needed to develop these once – and re-use them across EVERY NEW application development effort that arose in your company?

That is precisely where our framework comes in. It’s unique, one of a kind set of components make it ideal for the most demanding applications.

Cost Savings

An application framework can reduce the development cost of a new application from between $25,000 to $150,000 depending on the scope of the application and the number of framework components utilized.

One Time Investment

  1. An application framework can reduce the development time of a 12 month application – bringing it down to 8-9 months. More importantly, it does so in a way that allows new features to be added  at a much faster rate.
  2. Future applications built on top of the framework take even less time due to developer familiarity with the framework.
  3. New features that are needed across multiple applications are the forte of our application framework. With a single, one-time development effort, the same feature can be made available across applications. Once the feature is integrated into the framework, it is instantly available to all applications built atop the framework.

What are my other choices besides ANUJ’s Reusable Application Framework (RAF (TM))?

Some companies start building their own framework internally – and spend anywhere from a year to 3 years developing it. While this is certainly an option, ANUJ’s framework provides ready to use components that will save your internal framework team valuable time. And of course, you always have the option of using ANUJ’s framework out of the box – with its ready-to-use enterprise components.

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.