Anuj accidentally stumbled onto a project which required real world containerization of a large ASP.NET app. The app serviced over a million customers and had over 12 separate components – including a messaging layer, 3 separate backend databases, a memory store (REDIS) and of course, front end views including JS angular libraries.

In the process of containerizing the different tiers of the large app, Anuj was exposed to just about every challenge that is part of containerization.  This included

  1. Certificates and SSL / TLS packaging inside a container
  2. Providing a HA Proxy layer as an endpoint
  3. Node to Node Networking as well as external access to Containers on the node.
  4. Swarm Clusters of Dockerized Apps
  5. Event Logging and Piping of Events
  6. Monitoring using Prometheus and native docker logs monitoring
  7. Automating the entire push and pull from Docker Registry
  8. Automating the configuration of the underlying host – using Powershell (Windows) or Bash (Linux)
  9. Multi Stage Builds of app source and docker images
  10. Docker Compose based orchestration
  11. Live updates of dockerized apps without downtime

Since then, Anuj has been involved in several Kubernetes engagements – with everything from 3 tier web apps on Kubernetes to writing custom controllers for desired states within a cluster.

Programming Languages – Anuj  speaks C# , powershell and node.js. He is also well versed with SQL and many variants (including BigQuery Standard SQL)

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.