CloudBerry for ‘Blob’ Storage and Recovery

Storage is such an important use case that the rest of cloud services are essentially handicapped without it.

For a D.R. backup strategy, you need a good backup storage strategy. For any analytics on the public cloud, you need a good storage strategy.

Given that storage is key, how and where exactly do you store data on the public cloud?

Probably the number one option is what is referred to as ‘Blob Storage’. Blobs are binary chunks that are essentially files (think .lib, .exe, .xls and any other file extension). They may have an internal structure, however that structure isn’t ‘relational DB’ friendly — i.e. — it doesn’t fit into a relational database easily.

AWS and Cloudberry – What do I need to get started (On AWS)?

  1. An S3 bucket in your AWS account
  2. An access key pair (under Security Credentials → Create New Access Key Pair) for the AWS account. This will allow the S3 bucket to be accessed by CloudBerry.
  3. An Encryption Key if you need the S3 uploads to be encrypted server side.
  4. Desktop license and Server license for the CloudBerry Backup Software.

AWS S3 and Cloudberry for Desktop File Backups

CloudBerry Backup (Desktop and Server) is a freeware (with a paid option).

There are two components — server and desktop — the server keeps track of all the configured backup plans in every desktop client.

CloudBerry and S3 for Entire VM Backups

Client Side Encryption

What about encryption? – Client Side encryption is available in Cloudberry Pro

What about Ransomware Protection?  – Available in all products. This simply notifies you if there is a suspicion of ransomware on your payload.

Server Side Encryption

This is a feature of S3 and is available by default.


Much of the same products work with Google Cloud’s Cloud Storage Buckets.

CloudBerry Backup — Desktop and Server 

The most popular product.

  1. Desktop licenses at $49.99 a piece — and a server software that comes along with it.
  2. Server stores all backup process configurations — so even if desktop loses a backup configuration, it can be recovered.

Cloudberry Lab’s Drive (server edition — US$ 59.99) lets you:

  1. Easily backup to an S3 storage bucket and then restore a database from it.
  2. Map a local drive to the S3 bucket (except for Glacier)

CloudBerry Explorer — Desktop

  • Pro Version — features like client-side encryption, compression, multipart upload, multithreading, content compare, upload rules and more.
  • Free version — full support for Server Side Encryption, Lifecycle rules, Amazon CloudFront, Bucket Policies and more. The alternative is to use the AWS Encryption SDK is an encryption library that is separate from the language–specific SDKs. You can use this encryption library to more easily implement encryption best practices in your application.

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.