Anuj Varma is a regular speaker on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Blockchain technologies. He also conducts youth camps to generate math, science and computer science interest amongst kids.

  1. Chain meets Cloud (Patented Blockchain Conference Content)
  2. Blockchain Novel Uses, Advances in Blockchain and the industries being disrupted (Patented blockchain and Crypt Conference Content,
  3. CryptoVesting 101 – Analyzing Crypto assets based on software fundamentals. Original, one-of-a-kind Crypto Investing Workshop, first presented at a bitcoin conference in Austin,TX
  4. Planning and Launching an ICO – From the ICO code to deployment to post-deployment (content under development for an upcoming bitcoin conference)
  5. Identity on the blockchain – The unique challenges presented by user identity on the blockchain  (unique content, based on an independent research project to be presented at a bitcoin summit conference)
  6. Data Analytics on the blockchain – Data and BigData analysis of Blockchain Data (unique content, based on an independent research project to be presented at a bitcoin summit conference)

As noted above, each of these presentations contains unique content based on research, hands-on development and presentations at previous blockchain conferences and blockchain summits. To find out how you can book Anuj Varma for your next Blockchain Conference or summit, click ‘Contact Anuj’

Excerpts from CryptoVesting101 – conducted in Austin, TX as part of a bitcoin conference.


Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.