Docker logs by themselves reveal little about your containerized application. To get a true monitoring strategy in place, that includes your application metrics, you need a tool like Prometheus. This article shows a quick way to

  • a) Setup prometheus on the host or inside a container.
  • b) Configure your App to post to a prometheus endpoint and
  • c) Non Prometheus based commands for inspecting running containers.

Prometheus – Standalone or as a container ?

Prometheus can be run as a  standalone exe on the host OR can run it inside a docker container. The recommendation is to run it inside a container; however, if you are not running a swarm of services, you could just  set it up on the host.

Prometheus on the Host – Setup

1. Download and extract prometheus.exe; add c:\prometheus to your path

2. Create default YAML file

3. Start it using –

prometheus --config.file "\tmp\prometheus.yml"

4.  Test localhost:9090/graphs

Prometheus as a container – Setup

docker run -p 9090:9090 prom/prometheus


Downside of Prometheus based Logging

Prometheus , due to it’s constant calculation engine,  uses between 8 and 10 GB RAM (whether running on the host or in a container).  This may not be a feasible option for several server VMs, which have little extra memory to spare.

To Log App Specific Metrics – Application Specific Setup

To expose the /metrics endpoint from your application, you  need to install prometheus client libraries for your app (as shown in the URL below).


Appendix : Quick Inspection of Containers (without Prometheus) – Inspecting Running Containers and Viewing Event Logs

To connect to docker and launch a PS prompt inside the container

docker exec CONTAINERID

To Inspect a folder or a file inside the container

docker exec containeriD | ls <dir path>

To List all the processes inside the container

    First connect to it using docker exec and launch a PS prompt

 docker exec <container> | PS 

    Then, just use Powershell’s


To view the event log inside the container (once you have a PS prompt using     docker exec <container> | PS  )

get-eventlog system -newest 10000 | format-table -wrap > c:\data\syslog.txt (if c:\data is defined as a volume, it can be read from the host) 

# this shows source as ‘Docker’ but can change you ‘Application’ or custom

Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source Docker -After (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) | Sort-Object Time 

#To search for specific terms in an event log

Get-WinEvent –listlog *mykeyword*

To Copy files from host to container

 docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txthttp:

To Inspect all the properties (volumes, ports…) of a running container

First get the ip address of the running container – lookup the container id (docker container ls)

docker inspect c5e8de7faf05 - will give you the IP
docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $INSTANCE_ID 

Anuj holds professional certifications in Google Cloud, AWS as well as certifications in Docker and App Performance Tools such as New Relic. He specializes in Cloud Security, Data Encryption and Container Technologies.

Initial Consultation

Anuj Varma – who has written posts on Anuj Varma, Hands-On Technology Architect, Clean Air Activist.